Practical HPLC for Biopharmaceuticals

Although “small molecule” and “biopolymer” separations have traditionally been considered as separate activities, analysts in the biopharmaceutical industry regularly have to deal with both. Fortunately, the underlying principles of chromatography apply equally well in both situations when interpreted appropriately.

“Practical HPLC for Biopharmaceuticals” explains chromatography in practical terms from the ground up. Here’s what you’ll learn in this online course:

  • The basics of isocratic and gradient HPLC
  • Reversed phase and ion exchange HPLC
  • HPLC equipment – from reservoirs/pumps to tubing/injectors to columns and detectors
  • Understanding and overcoming common column problems
  • Alternative modes: normal phase, HILIC and size exclusion
  • Quantitation
  • Performance qualification
  • Troubleshooting and diagnostics

Presenter: Tom Jupille

Tom has been a practising chromatographer for more than 45 years, during which he has written more than 30 papers on chromatography and related subjects. He worked primarily in gas chromatography in the late ‘60s, switching to thin-layer chromatography in the early ‘70s and then to HPLC and ion chromatography in late ‘70s. His career has focused on instrument and column development and user support, providing a broad foundation of practical experience to call on as an instructor. He is moderator of the popular Chromatography Forum on-line chromatography discussion group.

For a better understanding of the course format, view the first module below:

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