Our Presenters

John Dolan
HPLC Expert
John Dolan is considered to be the one of the world’s experts in HPLC. He has written more than 300 user-oriented articles on HPLC troubleshooting over the last 30 years in addition to more than 100 peer-reviewed technical articles on HPLC and related techniques. His three books (co-authored with Lloyd Snyder), Troubleshooting HPLC Systems, Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography (3rd edn), and High-Performance Gradient Elution, are standard references on thousands of desks around the world. He has taught HPLC training classes around the world to more than 10,000 students.

Tom Jupille
HPLC Expert
Tom has been a practising chromatographer for more than 40 years, during which he has written more than 30 papers on chromatography and related subjects. He worked primarily in gas chromatography in the late ‘60s, switching to thin-layer chromatography in the early ‘70s and then to HPLC and ion chromatography in late ‘70s. His career has focused on instrument and column development and user support, providing a broad foundation of practical experience to call on as an instructor. He is moderator of the popular Chromatography Forum on-line chromatography discussion group.

Matthew Klee
GC Expert
Dr Matthew S. Klee is a recognized authority in the area of GC analysis and instrumentation. Armed with a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry and 7 years in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, he joined HP (later to become Agilent Technologies). During 23 years at HP/Agilent, Dr Klee was involved with the invention and commercialization with many of the GC and GC-MS products that Agilent now sells. He regularly teaches GC short courses.

Cari Sänger
CE Expert
Dr Cari Sänger has practised capillary electrophoresis for more than 30 years. She has 25 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry and founded her own consultancy four years ago. She is a globally recognised expert on capillary electrophoresis with a strong focus on implementation, knowledge transfer and good working practices. Cari is Associate Professor in Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Uppsala University and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at ACROSS, University of Tasmania.

John Langley
Professor John Langley is an expert in mass spectrometry and chromatography, researching complex systems through the application and development of different analytical approaches. John has over 130 peer-reviewed publications (more than 150 in Google Scholar) and an H-index of 35 and has published in over 30 leading scientific journals, reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of the applications of his research activity.
John has 40 years of experience in the academic sector and specializes in the application of separation science and mass spectrometry as a research tool for chemistry, chemical biology, and oilfield chemistry, addressing complexity and probing new research areas. Specific interests are the application of hyphenated approaches (GC-MS, GCxGC-MS, HPLC-MS, LCxLC-IMS-MS, MS/MS, SFC-MS and SFC-FID).
John has 30 years of sustained research funding with RCUK and industry, (including AZ, BP, GSK, Innospec, and Syngenta) and was awarded the Chromatographic Society Jubilee Medal 2024 and the British Mass Spectrometry Society Medal 2021.